3. Mai 2020
Soleil (Retrospektive)
29. Februar 2020
Soul Blazer (Retrospektive)
8. Februar 2020
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (Retrospektive)
13. Oktober 2019
Okami (Retrospektive)
21. Juli 2019
Metal Gear Solid 4 (Retrospektive)
27. Mai 2019
The Last Guardian (Retrospektive)
28. Februar 2019
Luigi’s Mansion (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
6. Februar 2019
Cave Story (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
4. Februar 2019
Remember Me (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
24. Januar 2019
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
6. Januar 2019
Demon’s Crest (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
25. November 2018
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons & Ages (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
20. November 2018
Darksiders (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
4. November 2018
The Story of Thor (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
28. Oktober 2018
Breakdown (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
13. Oktober 2018
Crystalis (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
9. Oktober 2018
Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
29. September 2018
Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
27. September 2018
Aggelos (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
25. September 2018
Elemental Gimmick Gear (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
9. September 2018
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
3. September 2018
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Top 101 Action-Adventures History)
7. August 2018